The rheumatic patient's therapeutic internment in non-conventional installation as variant of the social thermalism



social thermalism, therapeutic internment, rheumatic patient.


Introduction: Rheumatic diseases are the second leading cause of primary health care consultation and disability. They have an impact on the individual, family, health and economic spheres of society. The instability of medicines, the limited hotel offers in spas, which limit the access of rheumatic patients to thermal centres, affect and impose a challenge to social thermalism.

Objective: To relate the results of the implementation of the non-conventional therapeutic internment of rheumatic patients linked to the spa of San Diego de los Baños with the organization, operation and satisfaction levels of the patients attended.

Methods: A study was carried out in health systems and services, which was developed in 15-day stays during four consecutive years, following the quasi-experimental method with a single group. The sample used was 22 patients from a universe of 1974, controlled in Pinar del Río. Methods and techniques were used to collect data and evaluate the results.

Results: Male patients, middle age, married, pre-university education, state workers and chronic inflammatory rheumatism predominated. A growth in the overall patient satisfaction index was reflected between the initial and final assessment as non-conformities with which patients were moderately satisfied were overcome.

Conclusions: The organization and functioning of the non-conventional therapeutic internment allowed for increased access of rheumatic patients to thermal treatments and other hygienic-health therapies, with high levels of satisfaction with the quality characteristics identified.


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Author Biography

Jorge Felix Rodríguez, Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública

Profesor e Investigador Auxiliar del Departamento de Economía de la Salud. Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública. Especialista en Reumatólogia y de 2do grado y Máster en Medicina tradicional y Natural y en Organización y Administración de Salud


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How to Cite

Rodríguez JF. The rheumatic patient’s therapeutic internment in non-conventional installation as variant of the social thermalism. Rev Cubana de MNT [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 9 [cited 2025 Jan. 18];6. Available from:



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