Garlic Tincture for Treating Hypercholesterolemia In Primary Health Care
phytotherapy, hypercholesterolemia, garlic tincture, treatmentAbstract
Introduction: Phytotherapy is gaining strength everyday on a therapeutic level for the control of highly prevalent diseases such as hypercholesterolemia.
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of 20% garlic tincture for treating hypercholesterolemia.
Methods: A non-observational, quasi-experimental study was carried out with the population of office 7 of Máximo Gómez Polyclinic in Holguín municipality in 2021. Eight hundred twenty-three patients participated as a universe and 60 patients as a sample, divided into two groups: an experimental one, with 35 cases, and another control, with 25. Blood samples were taken from the patients before and after the prescription of 20% garlic tincture.
Results: The age group of 65 to 69 years predominated with 27 patients (45.00%); 40 patients belonged to the male sex. 36 patients (60.00%) used the statin pharmacological group. After applying the 20% garlic tincture, 29 patients (82.86%) reduced their pharmacological treatment to minimum doses. Before its use in the experimental group, the values of total cholesterol and triacylglycerides were elevated and after its use they returned to their normal values. 80.0% of patients did not present adverse reactions. The response to treatment of 26 patients (82.85%) was evaluated as good.
Conclusions: The use of 20% garlic tincture, as an adjuvant method in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia, manages to reduce blood lipid parameters and at the same time the use of conventional treatment, without significant adverse reactions.Downloads
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