Clinical-epidemiological behaviour of arterial hypertension from the perspective of Chinese traditional medicine
Chinese traditional medicine, arterial hypertension, traditional syndromes.Abstract
Introduction: Cuba has a National Program for the Development of Traditional and Natural Medicine. The diagnosis of the hypertensive patient, according to the perspective of the Chinese traditional medicine, is important for its management.
Objective: Characterize the clinical-epidemiological behaviour of arterial hypertension from the perspective of Chinese traditional medicine.
Methods: It was carried out a prospective, longitudinal and descriptive study. Clinical records were made for 53 hypertensive patients that attended to the Traditional and Natural Medicine´s Service in ´´Manuel Ascunce Domenech´´ University Hospital of Camagüey province, from January 2019 to June 2020. From the information collected, it was determined the traditional syndrome of each one.
Results: There was a predominance of the female sex (66%), and the age group of 46 to 55 years (41,5%). The most frequent diagnoses were restlessness of internal wind by Yang´s hyperactivity of the liver (30,1%), Yang´s hyperactivity of the liver (17%). 32,2% of the hypertensive patients presented disorders in the wood and water movements. More than 70% of the patients showed cephalalgia, irritability, vertigo, visual disorders, as well as alterations in the pulse and the tongue.
Conclusions: The female sex was the most affected in the ages between 46 to 55 years. From the seven traditional syndromes identified, restlessness of internal wind by Yang´s hyperactivity of the liver prevailed.
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